Pulled pork is a hell of a condiment. The inspiration came from Jake Busey’s father. He had such a hit with Nazis at the Center of the Earth that we figured that his dad Gary’s karate-western Ghost Rock deserved its own sandwich. The BBQ sammich was born. Besides our realization that normal bread can longer contain what we put on it, it was perfect. BBQ chicken, pulled pork, coleslaw, onion rings, jalapenos, pickles and I think there was bread in there somewhere. And the pork was cooked in apple juice. Thats right, fruits and veggies. You’re not healthy! shut up. If only cowboys spinkicking Sato off horses was as exciting as it sounds. Your supposed to be the best around! As fate would have it Ricky Shroeder and Uncle Rico had a surprise waiting for us. Theres no question the sammich was a success, every bite was an event and mike fell asleep on the couch, but we needed cinema to go with our feast. Terrorvision came through. Is low-budget Troma a category? Plastic Medusa wigs, cyndi lauper chick, 80’s dude, space monsters, grampa taking care of business, green slime, swingers, machine gun laser noise, yeah it good. Feeling strangely coherent for this late at night. Maybe its the satelite dish, maybe too much health food. If all salads tasted like this sammich we’d eat them every day. Sorry Mike is this typing keeping you up? Satooooooo!!!!!!!

The lines between what we were watching and what we were eating had become blurred. Or maybe that was the bacon grease in our eyes. Was this mega shark we were eating? Is that crocosaurus being attacked by a sandwich? is that Steve Urkel?? The answer to one of those questions is yes. Hell yes. We had summoned the gods of land and sea to create the Surf n’ Turf Bomb, a delicious, slide down the throat, knock you on your ass mess of sandwich. Shrimp, bacon, flatiron steak, peppers and onions, cheese and chipotle cream sauce. At the same time we faced our mortality in the form of a sub, Urkel was guiding a sub to save the world. Megashark vs. Crocosaurus was wreaking havoc on a CGI Atlantic Ocean and Carl Winslow wasn’t coming to stop them. The only men up to the challenge to guide the USS Debbie Gibson are Lil’ Stevie and Indiana Dundee. No way this thing was gonna buckle like a ping pong ball! That doesn’t make sense when anyone says it but when you’re stuffed full of megashrimp and steakasaurus and can’t feel your legs everything makes sense. And nothing. All the time. Does anyone else see those spots?

The Return

Welcome back to datenite. We are here to watch the movies that no one else dares to or really even wants to watch. We are also here to inspire and maybe scare the carnivore inside you (fear not vegetarians! Some of our sandwiches have coleslaw on them!!) Join us on a cinematic and culinary adventure of wonder and shame that will leave you half-assedly grinning, lightheaded, depraved and amazed. Kiss your loved ones, buckle up and dial 9-1, this can’t end well.